Kennel Apple Meadow
28 dogs from 4 litter
short list
litter details
Apple Meadow
- litter A
Father: Kalalassie’s in Fintry Scotland |
HD A ED 0 |
CEA non-carrier PRA-rcd2 non-carrier MDR1 +/+ DM N/N |
63 cm scissors bite, fullteeth pure for smooth 4 litters |
Mother: Apple of Scotlandguards |
Eyes CEA/PRA/Kat free
(as puppy)
MDR1 +/- DM N/N |
pure for smooth 3 litters |
Apple Meadow Aaron
tricolor male |
DM N/N |
pure for smooth |
Apple Meadow Adele
blue-merle female |
DM N/N |
pure for smooth |
Apple Meadow Alasdair
blue-merle male |
DM N/N |
pure for smooth |
Apple Meadow Alice
blue-merle female |
DM N/N |
pure for smooth |
Apple Meadow Amie
tricolor female |
HD A |
CEA non-carrier MDR1 +/+ DM N/N |
pure for smooth 1 litter |
Apple Meadow Angus
tricolor male |
DM N/N |
pure for smooth |
Apple Meadow Arthur
tricolor male |
DM N/N |
pure for smooth |
Apple Meadow Azlan
tricolor male |
DM N/N |
pure for smooth |
litter details
Apple Meadow
- litter B
Father: The Fairy Flag’s Clotted Cream Fudge |
Eyes clear
(as puppy)
HD A |
CEA non-carrier PRA-rcd2 non-carrier MDR1 +/+ DM N/N |
D JCh (VDH), D ClubJCh CAC, BOB, Jugendsieger Saarbrücken, Saarland-Jugendsieger |
† 11 years, 3 months
(bladder cancer)
scissors bite, fullteeth rough factor 13 litters |
Mother: Apple of Scotlandguards |
Eyes CEA/PRA/Kat free
(as puppy)
MDR1 +/- DM N/N |
pure for smooth 3 litters |
Apple Meadow Beauty
tricolor female |
DM N/N |
Apple Meadow Bee
sable female |
DM N/N |
Apple Meadow Benjamin
tricolor male |
DM N/N |
Apple Meadow Bilbo
tricolor male |
DM N/N |
Apple Meadow Bisquitt
sable female |
DM N/N |
Apple Meadow Bob
sable male |
DM N/N |
Apple Meadow Bumblebee
sable male |
DM N/N |
litter details
Apple Meadow
- litter C
Father: Bent Beck’s Forbeis |
Eyes clear
(6 weeks)
HD A1 |
CEA carrier PRA-rcd2 non-carrier MDR1 +/+ DM N/N |
D ClubCh (CfBrH), D JCh (VDH), D ClubJCh (CfBrH) Clubsieger (2018), VDH-Frühjahrssieger 2018, Europajugendsieger 2018, 1x BOB, 3x BOS, 2x Bester Junghund, 7x CAC, 1x R.CAC |
60 cm scissors bite, fullteeth pure for smooth 6 litters |
Mother: Apple Meadow Amie |
HD A |
CEA non-carrier MDR1 +/+ DM N/N |
pure for smooth 1 litter |
Apple Meadow Caleb
sable male |
MDR1 +/+ DM N/N |
pure for smooth |
Apple Meadow Caramel
sable female |
MDR1 +/+ DM N/N |
pure for smooth |
Apple Meadow Carrie
sable female |
MDR1 +/+ DM N/N |
pure for smooth |
Apple Meadow Casey
tricolor female |
MDR1 +/+ DM N/N |
pure for smooth |
Apple Meadow Colwyn
sable male |
MDR1 +/+ DM N/N |
pure for smooth |
Apple Meadow Conner
sable male |
MDR1 +/+ DM N/N |
pure for smooth |
Apple Meadow Cullam
tricolor male |
MDR1 +/+ DM N/N |
pure for smooth |
litter details
Apple Meadow
- litter D
Father: Manjuba Bring me to Light |
Eyes clear
(7 weeks)
Eyes clear (1 year, 1 month) HD B ED 0 |
CEA non-carrier PRA-rcd2 non-carrier MDR1 +/+ DM N/N IPD non-carrier M-Locus (Merle) m/m DMS aabbCC |
D Ch, D JCh BOB, BOS |
62 cm scissors bite, fullteeth pure for smooth 4 litters |
Mother: Apple of Scotlandguards |
Eyes CEA/PRA/Kat free
(as puppy)
MDR1 +/- DM N/N |
pure for smooth 3 litters |
Apple Meadow Darleen
tricolor female |
DM N/N |
pure for smooth |
Apple Meadow Deanna
tricolor female |
DM N/N |
pure for smooth |
Apple Meadow Delora
tricolor female |
DM N/N |
pure for smooth |
Apple Meadow Desmond
tricolor male |
DM N/N |
pure for smooth |
Apple Meadow Dougal
tricolor male |
DM N/N |
pure for smooth |
Apple Meadow Duncan
tricolor male |
DM N/N |
pure for smooth |