Progeny of Chyť si mě Leneli
10 children from 2 litters
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litter details
- litter A
Father: Brackenhaye Brand New Day |
Eyes clear
(as puppy)
HD A/A ED 0/0 |
CEA non-carrier MDR1 +/- DM N/N |
FIN Ch, BLR Ch, LT JCh LTJW-17 |
61 cm 2 litters |
Mother: Chyť si mě Leneli |
Eyes CEA/PRA/Kat free
(as puppy)
Eyes CEA/PRA/Kat free (2 years) Eyes clear (3 years, 9 months) Eyes clear (5 years, 8 months) HD A/A ED 0/0 Back OK Shoulders OCD free/free |
CEA non-carrier PRA-rcd2 non-carrier MDR1 +/- DM N/N |
IntCh, CZ GrandCh, SK GrandCh, CZ Ch, SK Ch, PL Ch, CZ ClubCh (KCHCS & MSKCHCS), ČMKU Ch, CZ JCh, SK JCh 7x CAJC, 1x res.CAC, 39x CAC, 7x CAC ČMKU, 3x CWC, 2x CACA, 1x res.CACIB, WDS 2017 - res.CAC, res.CACIB, EDS 2019 - CACA, res.CACIB, 12x CACIB, 13x Best female, 5x Junior BOB, 3x Junior BIS, 8x BOS, 36x BOB, 7x Club Winner (CZ+SK), 3x National Winner, 3x Winner of Special Show, Slovakia Winner 2017, 4x res.BIS (Club shows), 14x BIS (Club shows), res.BIS female, 4x 4.BIG, 3.BIG, 2.BIG, 1.BIG, EuW-16 - EUROPEAN WINNER ´16, VICE WORLD WINNER ´17 Belgian Winner ´16 Benelux Winner ´16 Crufts Qualification 2016 Crufts Qualification 2017 Crufts Qualification 2018 Crufts Qualification 2019 Šampion šampionů 2016 - 4.BIG FCI I. / Champion of Champions - 4. BIG FCI I. TOP dorost 2015 / TOP puppy 2015 TOP Mladá fena 2015 / TOP junior female 2015 TOP Dospělá fena 2017 / TOP female 2017 |
Agility: Agility 3, Absolute Winner of Agility Collie Cup 2016, CZ Agility Collie Vicechampion 2017 Obedience: BH, OB-Z, OB1, ZOP, ZZO, ZZO1, Upr1, Upr2, IBGH1, IBGH2 Herding: Herding Instinct Test, HWT TS, IHT1 TS, IHT TS 2, IHT3 TS Dog Dancing: F1, MD1, DwD1, HtM1, MD2, HtM2, F2, DwD2, Master of Dogdancing 1, Master of Dogdancing 2 Other: CZ ClubWorkCh |
54 cm scissors bite, fullteeth pure for smooth 2 litters |
Amadeo Elentudas
tricolor male |
Eyes clear
(6 weeks)
HD A/A ED 0/0 Back Spondylosis negative Shoulders OCD free/free |
CEA non-carrier MDR1 -/- DM N/N |
3x CAJC, BOJ, 2x Very Promising |
Herding: NHAT |
Thyroid: TT4 low normal 59 cm scissors bite, fullteeth pure for smooth |
Amazonka Elentudas
tricolor female |
Eyes clear
(6 weeks)
Eyes clear (2 years) HD A/A ED 0/0 Back OK - LTV free, Spondyloza neg. Shoulders OCD free/free |
CEA non-carrier MDR1 -/- DM N/N |
IntCh, CZ GrandCh, SK GrandCh, CZ Ch, SK Ch, CZ JCh, SK JCh, CZ ClubCh (KChCS) 4x Very promising 1, 3.BIS Baby, 1.BIS Puppy, 7x CAJC, 3x Junior BOB, 22x CAC, 2x CWC, Club Winner, 5x National Winner, 4x res.CACIB, 7x CACIB, 2x BOS, 7x BOB, 2x Cruft´s Qualification 2020 & 2021, EDS´19 Ex3, 2.BIG, VHC at Crufts 2021 |
Agility: Agility 2 Obedience: BH, ZZO Rescue: ZZZ, RH TV Herding: NHAT, HWT TS, IHT 1 TS, IHT 2 TS Dog Dancing: F1 (Freestyle), DwD1 (Dances with dogs) Other: CZ ClubWorkCh |
54 cm scissors bite, fullteeth 2 litters |
Ambrosia Elentudas
tricolor female |
Eyes clear
(6 weeks)
CEA non-carrier MDR1 +/- DM N/N |
Amulet Elentudas
tricolor male |
Eyes clear
(6 weeks)
HD A/A ED 0/0 |
CEA non-carrier PRA-rcd2 non-carrier MDR1 +/+ DM N/N |
60 cm rough factor 2 litters |
Amundsen Elentudas
tricolor male |
Eyes clear
(6 weeks)
Eyes clear (14 months) Eyes clear (6 years, 6 months) HD A ED 0 PL free Shoulders OCD free |
CEA non-carrier MDR1 +/- DM N/N |
IntCh, CZ GrandCh, CZ Ch, AT Ch, HU Ch, SK Ch, CMKU Ch, CZ ClubCh (KCHCS
& MSKCHCS), CZ JCh, SK JCh, HU JCh EuW-21, Vice World Winner-21 |
Agility: Agility 3 Herding: NHAT |
57 cm scissors bite, fullteeth rough factor 5 litters |
litter details
- litter B
Father: Sandcastle’s Suits Me |
Eyes clear
(as puppy)
Eyes clear (18 months) HD A/A ED 0/0 |
CEA non-carrier MDR1 +/- DM N/N |
IntCh, FIN Ch, EST Ch, LV Ch, H JCh WJW-13, BIG1, 6x CC, 5x CACIB, 4x BOS, Central European Cup Junior Winner 2013, 3x BOB-junior, 2x BOB puppy, 1x BIS3 puppy |
Finnish mental test +124
rough factor 14 litters |
Mother: Chyť si mě Leneli |
Eyes CEA/PRA/Kat free
(as puppy)
Eyes CEA/PRA/Kat free (2 years) Eyes clear (3 years, 9 months) Eyes clear (5 years, 8 months) HD A/A ED 0/0 Back OK Shoulders OCD free/free |
CEA non-carrier PRA-rcd2 non-carrier MDR1 +/- DM N/N |
IntCh, CZ GrandCh, SK GrandCh, CZ Ch, SK Ch, PL Ch, CZ ClubCh (KCHCS & MSKCHCS), ČMKU Ch, CZ JCh, SK JCh 7x CAJC, 1x res.CAC, 39x CAC, 7x CAC ČMKU, 3x CWC, 2x CACA, 1x res.CACIB, WDS 2017 - res.CAC, res.CACIB, EDS 2019 - CACA, res.CACIB, 12x CACIB, 13x Best female, 5x Junior BOB, 3x Junior BIS, 8x BOS, 36x BOB, 7x Club Winner (CZ+SK), 3x National Winner, 3x Winner of Special Show, Slovakia Winner 2017, 4x res.BIS (Club shows), 14x BIS (Club shows), res.BIS female, 4x 4.BIG, 3.BIG, 2.BIG, 1.BIG, EuW-16 - EUROPEAN WINNER ´16, VICE WORLD WINNER ´17 Belgian Winner ´16 Benelux Winner ´16 Crufts Qualification 2016 Crufts Qualification 2017 Crufts Qualification 2018 Crufts Qualification 2019 Šampion šampionů 2016 - 4.BIG FCI I. / Champion of Champions - 4. BIG FCI I. TOP dorost 2015 / TOP puppy 2015 TOP Mladá fena 2015 / TOP junior female 2015 TOP Dospělá fena 2017 / TOP female 2017 |
Agility: Agility 3, Absolute Winner of Agility Collie Cup 2016, CZ Agility Collie Vicechampion 2017 Obedience: BH, OB-Z, OB1, ZOP, ZZO, ZZO1, Upr1, Upr2, IBGH1, IBGH2 Herding: Herding Instinct Test, HWT TS, IHT1 TS, IHT TS 2, IHT3 TS Dog Dancing: F1, MD1, DwD1, HtM1, MD2, HtM2, F2, DwD2, Master of Dogdancing 1, Master of Dogdancing 2 Other: CZ ClubWorkCh |
54 cm scissors bite, fullteeth pure for smooth 2 litters |
Baletka Elentudas
sable female |
Eyes clear
(7 weeks)
Eyes clear (1 year, 11 months) HD A/A ED 0/0 PL free Shoulders OCD free |
CEA non-carrier MDR1 +/- DM N/N |
IntCh, CZ Ch, SK CH, HU Ch, SLO Ch, PL Ch |
Herding: NHAT |
scissors bite,
rough factor |
Bohém Elentudas
sable male |
Eyes clear
(7 weeks)
Eyes clear (1 year, 11 months) HD A/A ED 0/0 PL free Shoulders OCD free |
CEA non-carrier MDR1 +/- DM N/N |
IntCh, CZ Ch, HU Ch, PL Ch |
Herding: NHAT |
scissors bite,
pure for smooth |
Borůvka Elentudas
tricolor female |
Eyes clear
(7 weeks)
HD A/A ED 0/0 PL free Shoulders OCD free |
CEA non-carrier MDR1 -/- DM N/N |
IntCh, CZ GrandCh, CZ Ch, AT CH, SK Ch, CZ ClubCh (KCHCS & MSKCHCS) |
Agility: LA3 Herding: NHAT |
pure for smooth 1 litter |
Bublifuk Elentudas
sable male |
Eyes clear
(7 weeks)
CEA non-carrier MDR1 +/- DM N/N |
pure for smooth |
Buráček Elentudas
tricolor male |
Eyes clear
(7 weeks)
CEA non-carrier MDR1 +/- DM N/N |
rough factor |