Progeny of Scandyline Celestial Dream

4 children from 1 litter | back to profile
*19.04.1998 litter details
kennel: Selbit - litter T
Dandinas Amazing Spirit photo
Eyes CEA free (1 year)
10 litters
Scandyline Celestial Dream photo
IntCh, RUS Ch, EST Ch, LV Ch, LT Ch, BALT Ch, BLR Ch, RKF Ch
† ca. 6 years
1 litter
Selbit Taffy photo
sable female
1 litter
Selbit Tailory photo
sable female
Selbit Tearose photo
sable female
IntCh, RUS Ch, EST Ch, LV Ch, LT Ch, BALT Ch, BEL Ch, RUS GrandCh, RKF ChIntCh, RUS Ch, EST Ch, LV Ch, LT Ch, BALT Ch, BEL Ch, RUS GrandCh, RKF Ch
† 10 years, 10 months
2 litters
Selbit Tiffany photo
sable female
IntCh, RUS Ch, EST Ch, RKF Ch
† ca. 12 years