Progeny of Peterblue Holly

2 children from 1 litter | back to profile
*10.1984 litter details
kennel: Scarab’s
Foxearth Flemish Ensign photo
IntCh, BEL Ch, LUX Ch, NL Ch
rough factor
4 litters
Peterblue Holly photo
IntCh, NL Ch, BEL Ch, LUX Ch
WW-81, Winner-79, 13x CAC, 10x CACIB
† 7 years, 9 months (accident)
1 litter
Scarab’s Lucky Star photo
tricolor female
Scarab’s Star Foretold photo
tricolor female
IntCh, NL Ch, BEL Ch, LUX Ch
WW-86, Bundessieger 1987, 67x CAC, 59x CACIB
Obedience: G&G1
† ca. 6 years (kidney disease)