Progeny of Gill Krásná Louka
10 children from 2 litters
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litter details
Krásná Louka
- litter CH
Father: Natalain Nightfall |
CEA carrier MDR1 +/- |
CZ Ch, CZ JCh club winner |
Agility: A2 |
† 12 years, 11 months
58 cm 2 litters |
Mother: Gill Krásná Louka |
Eyes CEA/PRA/Kat free
(as puppy)
IntCh, CZ GrandCh, CZ Ch, SK Ch, H Ch, A Ch, PL Ch, CZ JCh, A JCh, CZ ClubCh, CZ VetCh WW-09, EuVW-13, EuVW-14, 32x BOB, 28x CACIB, 2. BIG, 3.BIG, 2x 4. BIG, 5. BIG, 3. BIS, 3x BOV |
† 13 years
2 litters |
Chana Krásná Louka
sable female |
† 13 years
Chantal Krásná Louka
tricolor female |
CZ Ch BOB, National winner |
52 cm 1 litter |
Charlotte Krásná Louka
tricolor female |
† 8 years, 7 months
(food poisoning)
Charmaine Krásná Louka
sable female |
Chelsea Krásná Louka
tricolor male |
Cher Krásná Louka
tricolor female |
53 cm |
Cheryll Krásná Louka
tricolor female |
litter details
Krásná Louka
- litter P
Father: Bandar-šáh Bila Kaífa |
Eyes CEA free
(as puppy)
CEA carrier |
CZ Ch 3x CACIB, 3x BOB |
Agility: Agility 1 Obedience: ZZO |
† 13 years, 10 months
61 cm fullteeth 4 litters |
Mother: Gill Krásná Louka |
Eyes CEA/PRA/Kat free
(as puppy)
IntCh, CZ GrandCh, CZ Ch, SK Ch, H Ch, A Ch, PL Ch, CZ JCh, A JCh, CZ ClubCh, CZ VetCh WW-09, EuVW-13, EuVW-14, 32x BOB, 28x CACIB, 2. BIG, 3.BIG, 2x 4. BIG, 5. BIG, 3. BIS, 3x BOV |
† 13 years
2 litters |
Picasso Krásná Louka
tricolor male |
Pinocchio Krásná Louka
sable male |
export Germany |
Provence Krásná Louka
sable female |
CEA non-carrier PRA-rcd2 non-carrier MDR1 +/- DM N/N |
CZ JCh R.CACIB, 3x CAC, 3x CAJC, 2x BOB-Junior |
Agility: LA3 Helping dogs: canisterapy dog |
53 cm fullteeth 1 litter |