CACIB Klatovy (CZ) 31.07.2021

14 entries
judge: Jaroslava Ovesná (CZ)

Butia Wide Park
Best of Breed - Butia Wide Park

Intermediate Class - Males (2)

Excellent 1, CAC - Mighty’s Spring Meadow Tier Tirion photo *11.11.2019, sable
(Cinnaberry’s All Or Nut-ting x Mighty’s Spring Meadow Oya Oilell)
breeder: Jana Semianová (SK)      owner: Pavel Čermák (CZ)
Excellent 2, R.CAC - Bohém Elentudas photo *02.02.2020, sable
(Sandcastle’s Suits Me x Chyť si mě Leneli)
breeder: Dagmar Laníková (CZ)      owner: Zuzana Líbalová (CZ)

Champion Class - Males (2)

Excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOS - Deò-ghrèine Grad Soroli photo *17.12.2017, sable
(Clingstone’s Make The Point x Cù-chaorach Clis Soroli)
breeder: Hanna Nowak (PL)      owner: Štěpánka Veselá (CZ)
Excellent 2, R.CAC, R.CACIB - Eukleidés In-Sitú photo *13.11.2017, tricolor
(Elixír lásky Leneli x Carmen In-Sitú)
breeder: Tereza Kmoníčková (CZ)      owner: Naďa Lundáková (CZ)

Junior Class - Females (2)

Excellent 1, CAJC, BOJ - Donutka Dvůr Bažantnice photo *31.03.2020, sable
(Cassius Clay from the Sun of China x Aada Dvůr Bažantnice)
breeder: Blanka Špuláková (CZ)      owner: Blanka Špuláková (CZ)
Excellent 2 - Divoška Šťastná smečka photo *03.07.2020, blue-merle
(Calippo van de Huszarstate x Andělka Šťastná smečka)
breeder: Blanka Valdecká (CZ)      owner: Blanka Valdecká (CZ)

Intermediate Class - Females (3)

Excellent 1, CAC - Gwendolyn z Tau’ri photo *24.02.2020, tricolor
(West Krásná Louka x Gracia of Sunny Pleasure)
breeder: Dana Zimová (CZ)      owner: Dana Zimová (CZ)
Excellent 2 - Baletka Elentudas photo *02.02.2020, sable
(Sandcastle’s Suits Me x Chyť si mě Leneli)
breeder: Dagmar Laníková (CZ)      owner: Zuzana Líbalová (CZ) + Dagmar Laníková (CZ)
Very Good 3 - Bezinka z Modrého království photo *02.03.2020, tricolor
(Legend of Camelot’s Globetrotter x Adina Dvůr Bažantnice)
breeder: Lucie Glaserová (CZ)      owner: Lucie Glaserová (CZ)

Open Class - Females (2)

Excellent 1, CAC - Began Smart Beauty photo *07.02.2019, sable
(Fajn Aylax Leneli x Chanel of Bohemia Balada)
breeder: Petra Čížková (CZ)      owner: Tereza Janovská (CZ)
Excellent 2, R.CAC - Borůvka Elentudas photo *02.02.2020, tricolor
(Sandcastle’s Suits Me x Chyť si mě Leneli)
breeder: Dagmar Laníková (CZ)      owner: Martina Vyhlídková (CZ)

Champion Class - Females (3)

Excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOB - Butia Wide Park photo *29.06.2018, sable
(Natalain Keystone x Tia Krásná Louka)
breeder: Jaroslav Bílý (CZ)      owner: Petra Havlíčková (CZ)
Excellent 2, R.CAC, R.CACIB - Adina Dvůr Bažantnice photo *24.04.2016, sable
(All inclusive vom Feueropal x Amélie Amico di Boemia)
breeder: Blanka Špuláková (CZ)      owner: Lucie Glaserová (CZ)
Excellent 3 - Mighty’s Spring Meadow Thia Thaleta photo *11.11.2019, tricolor
(Cinnaberry’s All Or Nut-ting x Mighty’s Spring Meadow Oya Oilell)
breeder: Jana Semianová (SK)      owner: Naďa Lundáková (CZ)