CACIB Nitra (SK) 18.02.2024
9 entries
judge: Ferenc Gröschl (HU)
judge: Ferenc Gröschl (HU)
Intermediate Class - Males (1)
Excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOS
- Mighty’s Spring Meadow Will Waylon
*06.05.2022, sable
(Mighty’s Spring Meadow Tier Tally x Mighty’s Spring Meadow Rea Rianne)
breeder: Jana Semianová (SK) owner: Jana Lesayová (SK)
(Mighty’s Spring Meadow Tier Tally x Mighty’s Spring Meadow Rea Rianne)
breeder: Jana Semianová (SK) owner: Jana Lesayová (SK)
Open Class - Males (1)
Excellent 1, CAC
- Aurelius Amor Manepo Ideál
*01.05.2022, sable
(Bonté coeur Lago Benea x Bellatrix Celestial Glamour)
breeder: Zina Nekvapilová (CZ) owner: Anton Friedl (SK)
(Bonté coeur Lago Benea x Bellatrix Celestial Glamour)
breeder: Zina Nekvapilová (CZ) owner: Anton Friedl (SK)
Champion Class - Males (1)
Excellent 1, CAC, R.CACIB
- Mabinogion Uhtred
*03.04.2022, sable
(Tucconia’s Eddard King in the North x Mabinogion Sioux)
breeder: Jolanda Berkelmans (NL) owner: Jana Semianová (SK)
(Tucconia’s Eddard King in the North x Mabinogion Sioux)
breeder: Jolanda Berkelmans (NL) owner: Jana Semianová (SK)
Junior Class - Females (1)
Excellent 1, CAJC, CACIB-J, BOB Junior
- Gigolette Martheline
*13.05.2023, sable
(Mighty’s Spring Meadow Vil Velyo x Airelle en noir Lago Benea)
breeder: Kamila & Miroslav Davídek (CZ) owner: Jitka Gogolinová (CZ)
(Mighty’s Spring Meadow Vil Velyo x Airelle en noir Lago Benea)
breeder: Kamila & Miroslav Davídek (CZ) owner: Jitka Gogolinová (CZ)
Intermediate Class - Females (2)
Excellent 1, CAC, R.CACIB
- Chamomilla Jantárová Hviezda
*12.05.2022, sable
(Mighty’s Spring Meadow Roy Rafer x Vanessa Krásná Louka)
breeder: Júlia Suváková (SK) owner: Júlia Suváková (SK)
(Mighty’s Spring Meadow Roy Rafer x Vanessa Krásná Louka)
breeder: Júlia Suváková (SK) owner: Júlia Suváková (SK)
Excellent 2, R.CAC
- Elite of Pride Celestial Glamour
*15.03.2022, sable
(Liverpool Bila Kaífa x Breeze Bee Addition Celestial Glamour)
breeder: Marcela Váchová (CZ) owner: Marcela Váchová (CZ)
(Liverpool Bila Kaífa x Breeze Bee Addition Celestial Glamour)
breeder: Marcela Váchová (CZ) owner: Marcela Váchová (CZ)
Open Class - Females (2)
Excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOB
- Amazonka Four Lucky Paws
*14.07.2022, blue-merle
(Blamorder Lover Boy x Bianka Jessee Long Smile)
breeder: Sylvie Mrákavová (CZ) owner: Kateřina Vávrová (CZ) + Dita Ungerová (CZ)
(Blamorder Lover Boy x Bianka Jessee Long Smile)
breeder: Sylvie Mrákavová (CZ) owner: Kateřina Vávrová (CZ) + Dita Ungerová (CZ)
Excellent 2, R.CAC
- Faith for Lago Benea Martheline
*28.05.2022, blue-merle
(Blamorder Lover Boy x Airelle en noir Lago Benea)
breeder: Kamila & Miroslav Davídek (CZ) owner: Jitka Gogolinová (CZ)
(Blamorder Lover Boy x Airelle en noir Lago Benea)
breeder: Kamila & Miroslav Davídek (CZ) owner: Jitka Gogolinová (CZ)
Champion Class - Females (1)
Excellent 1, CAC
- Castanea Pythagora z Modrého království
*18.02.2022, sable
(Cassius Clay from the Sun of China x Adina Dvůr Bažantnice)
breeder: Lucie Glaserová (CZ) owner: Naďa Lundáková (CZ)
(Cassius Clay from the Sun of China x Adina Dvůr Bažantnice)
breeder: Lucie Glaserová (CZ) owner: Naďa Lundáková (CZ)