Champions of Montenegro
Champions of Montenegro (17)
- Andora Smart Beauty
- Barcelona Bila Kaífa
- Belfast Bila Kaífa
- Brontés Bohemia Elenor
- Cinnaberry’s Lily Of The Valley
- Dalai Nur Bila Kaífa
- Dantés vom Feueropal
- Diamondfox De Luxe Platinium
- Faith for Lago Benea Martheline
- Iowa Bila Kaífa
- Kangasvuokon Shirley
- Mabinogion Uhtred
- Mighty’s Spring Meadow Ula Unity
- Neo Krásná Louka
- OneWay’s Private Pluto
- Sandcastle’s Swing N’Smile
- Timonan Yoanna Yolande
Grand Champions of Montenegro (6)
- Brontés Bohemia Elenor
- Dantés vom Feueropal
- Diamondfox De Luxe Platinium
- Kangasvuokon Shirley
- Mabinogion Uhtred
- Mighty’s Spring Meadow Ula Unity