Pebble Ledge Bambi

Pebble Ledge Bambi Pebble Ledge Bambi
Sex: female
Colour: sable
Born: 01.08.1944
Shows & titles
Champion: USA Ch
Other titles: ROM
Kennel: -
Country: USA
kennel: Pebble Ledge
Country: USA


generations: 4 | 5 | 6
colours in pedigree:
COI 0% AVK 70% American lines 50% (5 gen. - incompl.)
Halmaric Scarletson (rough collie) ? ? ? ?
? ?
? ? ?
? ?
? ? ? ?
? ?
? ? ?
? ?
Halmaric Trilby Halmaric Baronet Laund Blue Peter Black Donovan Stanley Footprint
Oyster Lass
Merrion Blue Dorrit Stanley Footprint
Blue Domino
Laund Loftygirl Whitecastle Wiseman (rough collie) ?
Glenogil Gleda Glenogil Grey Gauntlet
Glenogil Grey Gem
Pebble Ledge Little Dorrit Laund Laventer Black Donovan Stanley Footprint
Oyster Lass
Merrion Blue Dorrit Stanley Footprint
Blue Domino
Laund Larchfield Wattastormer Astronomer
Halghton Hyacinth
Dryfesdale Dolores Stanley Footprint
Oyster Lass
Virtual pedigree with male:


2 children from 1 litter | details

kennel: Pebble Ledge
father: Harline’s Son of Cainbrooke (rough collie)