Hatishma Collie Fidder on the Roof

no photo
Sex: male
Colour: sable
Born: 23.11.2022
Reg. nr.: ISR - 1005301
Kennel: Hatishma
kennel: Hatishma
Country: Israel


generations: 4 | 5 | 6
colours in pedigree:
COI 0% AVK 93.75% American lines 9.38% (5 gen. - incompl.)
Mighty’s Spring Meadow Roy Rafer Natalain Keystone Natalain River Dance Rowvale River Raider Fido Fax to Foxearth
Southcombe Sophisticate at Rowvale
Grazel Aquarelle for Natalain Helga Neitin Tsaari Timo
Natalain Normandia
Natalain Gracia Clingstone’s Got To Be Foxearth High Frequency
Clingstone’s Needless To Say
Natalain Tarielle Timonan Precious Pratt
Selbit Harmony Nataline
Mighty’s Spring Meadow Hope of Nadine Sandcastle’s King Of The Swing Sandcastle’s Oliwer Hardy Baubon’s Oklahoma Oliwer
Sandcastle’s Naked Truth
Sandcastle’s Snap Crackle Pop Foxearth Fire Arrow
Sandcastle’s Mustang Sally
Mighty’s Spring Meadow Aster Move Magic Zlatý dážď Knight Fatranský sen
Jenny Zlatý dážď (rough collie)
Wesayso Lucky Number Seven Spruce Medo’s B’cuz Wesayso
Blue Twiggy van Midden Aarde
Hatishma Collie Uppsala Daisy Welanga King of Kings (rough collie) Ladnar Kingfisher ? ?
? ?
Myriehewe Attraction with Welanga ? ?
? ?
Hatishma Collie Smooth Shir Serenata Sherlock Netiv HaAyit McMaur’s Evening Attire McMaur’s The Intimidator
McMaur’s Prerequisitie
Topaz of Netiv HaAyit (rough collie) Churchoak Tattler (rough collie)
Take a Chance of Netiv HaAyit
Hatishma Collie Katallia at Sharbar (rough collie) Welanga King of Kings (rough collie) Ladnar Kingfisher
Myriehewe Attraction with Welanga
Aqua ?
Virtual pedigree with female: