Goldlady’s Maxwell

no photo
Sex: male
Colour: sable
Born: 12.06.2012
  • Eyes clear (as puppy)
Kennel: Goldlady’s
kennel: Goldlady’s
Country: Finland


generations: 4 | 5 | 6
colours in pedigree:
COI 0% AVK 96.55% American lines 25% (5 gen. - incompl.)
Dalimattas Like To Fly Uneeda Watch Me Fly Tamaron’s Sure To Delight (rough collie) Highcroft Tamaron’s Contender (rough collie) Executive’s All Flags Flying
Highcroft Wyndlair Azure
Tamaron’s State of Mind (rough collie) Tallywood’s Head of State
Tamaron’s Poetry in Motion
Richeline Uneeda Double Dare Richeline’s Dark Demon ?
Richeline Banshee’s Return ?
Dalimattas Smooth Showrose Cepu-Jesse’s Argos Exalted Cepu Jesse Dalimattas Kung Karolus
Exalted Stella
Gaatzigan Jilly Sunsweet Love Me Tender
Baubon’s Sally Scandal
Dalimattas Smooth As Silk Fairlines First Class Lover OneWay’s Classic Case
Cabare’s Classiqe
Fairlines Future Dream Fairlines Butch Cassidy
Tanliy’s Proud-Mary
Kangasvuokon Mona Lisa Markylla’s Magic Star Pretender Markylla’s Mythological Midas Sunsweet Smooth Operation Baubon’s Proper Joe
Dalimattas Future Flora
Collie’s of Sealand Darling Damira Smooth Straightline’s Great Passion
Fairlines First Class Callgirl
Markylla’s Sweet Blue Mary-Lou Collie’s of Sealand Don Diabolo Smooth Straightline’s Great Passion
Fairlines First Class Callgirl
Farthing’s First Blue Girl Frazer from Foxearth
Peterblue Lynette
Goldlady’s Fancy Blue Goldbody’s Blue Glitter OneWay’s Got To Be A Lover OneWay’s Look Sharp
OneWay’s Bloody Mary
Goldbody’s After Eight Foxearth Frankie
Baubon’s Sister-Selina
Kangasvuokon Rose Garden Foxearth Future Legend Sylbecq Draught Guinness at Foxearth
Foxearth Frisson
Karenclan’s Rosy Anemone Foxearth Freeman
Karenclan’s Gardenia
Virtual pedigree with female: